What Other’s say


 Niki spends the time with you, she blends in to the fabric of your family and creates an instant connection with your children, allowing them the space to unfold in to their truth. Before you know it, Niki has penetrated past the guard and shiny, perfect (and boring) family photo shoot, and in to the authentic expression of your family.

-       Liz Janowski , Colorado , USA

Having Niki photograph our family is one of the highlights of our year. Seeing our family through Niki’s lens is incredible. Our everyday looks extraordinary. Family portrait photography doesn’t spin my wheels. It’s awkward and the results seem manufactured and cheesy. Niki’s images are raw, real and cherished.

-       Amy Murphy , Marlborough , NZ

It was such an enjoyable experience. I t was so fascinating having an experienced parent observing and capturing our life; someone who really "gets it" ..who could also step back and see a bigger picture than we currently can….who was also working to capture micro and macro moments in a way we can't do on our own. 

-       Lashley Rhodes